About Us

The International Ecological Footprint Learning Lab (IEFLL) Partnership is a multi-year international partnership grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. IEFLL’s overarching goal is to teach, apply, decolonise, and improve upon the measurement of Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity through four main objectives:

1) Train an interdisciplinary generation of sustainability students;

2) Forge a vibrant international EFB research network;

3) Generate novel sustainability solutions; and

4) Transform global sustainability practices: We will disseminate findings and solutions through a comprehensive knowledge mobilization plan which focuses on innovative approaches for taking research to action.

This partnership grant draws on the expertise and strengths of the core institutions; York University, University of Iceland, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and the Global Footprint Network. While also supporting and planning our research objectives on applications and interests from all of our partners.